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Compilation istructions
First of all you need to have the Asterisk environment ready to compile (Try to compile with the make command).
If everything is ready, follow this sequence:
- Download app_androtts.c source code from here and put it in apps directory .
- If you have asterisk 12, remvove le line with #define AST_18 1
- run make
- run make install
- inside asterisk cli run module load

Now inside asterisik cli you can run command as androtts reload, androtts list
Now inside your dialplan you can use instruction like:

exten => 9632,1,NoOp("AndroTTS")
exten => 9632,n,Answer
exten => 9632,n,AndroTTS(This is supported by the app asterisk motor AndroTTS,EN,,3383)
You can also use configuration file, for exmple inside androtts.conf file put some conection  like:


Now you can use istruction in your dialplan like:

exten => 9632,1,NoOp("AndroTTS") exten => 9632,n,Answer
exten => 9632,n,AndroTTS(This is supported by the app asterisk motor AndroTTS,comodino)

inside your dilplan check the "PLAYBACKSTATUS" variable for erros, you can also check antrotts connections with command anndrotts list inside cli
 by Andrea Zuccoli © 2024